unwinding the dance within

I was born in Barcelona and have always been fascinated by dance and movement in all aspects of life. Imagination and curiosity have been the impulse for unwinding the dance within. A somatics informed dance that helps me to share my body-mind experience in the world.

Since my childhood, I was interested in other cultures, which lead me to study and have a bachelor degree in American History. Since 1991 traveling has been a significant part of my life and a paramount source of wisdom for me.

Since 2000 I have been studying movement and dance from an artistic and therapeutic perspective and incorporating these studies in my classes and therapies that I give.

In 2007 I left Barcelona and began a journey through different countries in North America and Europe observing, learning, sharing, and unwinding the dance as a healing tool. This journey is still evolving.

I believe that nature and its observation is our primordial teacher in learning this deep connection within, the only way we can connect with the world and share our dance within.

Antonia Martinez Rubira

Educational background

1989 1995
Bachelor’s degree in Geography and History
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

1995 – 1996
CAP, Certificate on Pedagogical Aptitude (300h)
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

2008 – 2010
Natural Therapeutics Specialist & Massage Therapist (800h)
Core Synchronism Practitioner (130h)
New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, Albuquerque, NM (U.S.A.)

2010 – 2011
Certified Obsidian Geometries Therapist ( Jungian archetype perspective – 300h)
Ana Silvia Serrano  ObsidianaMX Playa del Carmen QR (Mexico)

2013 2014
Yoga Alliance – Certified Yoga Instructor (200u)
White Lotus Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA (U.S.A.)

2020 2022
Interdisciplinare Movement and Somactics Facilitator
(Movement assessment and Movement program design for 1/1 sessions – 370h)
Somakinese School (U.S.A.)

2020 – today
NVC en mentorship training (Non-Violent Communication)
The New York Center for Non-Violent Communication, (U.S.A.)

Certified Nurse Assistant (1570h)
CVO Kaai, Brussel (Belgium)

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